If you’re like me, you love crafting gifts for every member of the family. But have you ever found that your favorite knitting or crochet techniques just don’t seem to translate when you work up something for the fellas? Below are the guidelines that I use when making gifts or writing up patterns for the dudes of the world in mind.
- Don’t be afraid of colors, as long s they have a lot of dimension. Think heathers and tweeds. They add a rugged, natural vibe that can elevate colors from baby to burly
- Fewer colors are best but, If you do want multiple colors, stick to geometric/symmetrical color work like stripes or some fare-isle patterns.
- Variegated yarns with very gradual color changes will soften the look of a garment dramatically so make sure to only try these with very masculine patterns.
- Ribbing, regularity, clean lines and dense stitches.
- No ruffles, scallops, picots, shells or granny squares. Even be careful with patterns with a lot of “flare” like chevrons or zig zags.
- Cables are great, especially when they are in a very symmetrical pattern. However, cables don’t usually read “masculine” when used in trims, brims, and cuffs.
Of course, these are merely my suggestions. They’re just clothes, after all, and you can always take them off! Now I leave you with a slide show of some cringe worthy examples of old patters who didn’t heed my warnings. Enjoy!